'African Economic Development: Evidence, Theory, Policy ' listed on Project syndicate commentators best reads in 2020

December 23, 2020

Christopher Cramer, John Sender, and Arkebe Oqubay, African Economic Development: Evidence, Theory, PolicyOxford University Books, 2020.

Many books have been written about the complexities, challenges, and prospects of the African continent. What makes this one special is the enormous quantity of information that the authors have carefully curated with an eye toward contemporary policy relevance. The authors, who include two economists (Cramer and Sender) and a senior minister and special adviser to the prime minister of Ethiopia (Oqubay), offer readers just the right combination of the evidence, theory, and policy promised in the title. Their book would make for rewarding read any time, but particularly now that the world is preparing for the post-pandemic recovery.

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